substantial adj. 1.实质的,真正的;【哲学】实在的,实体的,本体的,本质的。 2.有财产的,有资产的;有真价的,有信用的,可靠的。 3.富裕的;有实力的。 4.有内容的,充实的;有价值的;质地好的,坚固的,坚牢的,结实的。 5.相当的,多额的,很多的;紧要的。 6.大体上的,事实上的(一致、成功等)。 a substantial hope 可靠的希望。 a substantial farmer 富裕的农民。 a man of substantial build 体格结实的人。 a substantial house 坚固的房子。 a substantial concession 相当大的让步。 a substantial improvement 显著的进步。 a substantial point 重要的地点。 n. -ism 【哲学】实体论。 n. -ist 实体论者。 n. -ness
Procedural defense is a new kind of modern defense . it does not refer to the substantial defense against the prosecution , nor does it refer to presenting evidence and reasons to prove the innocence of the accused , the pettiness of his crime and the need for a mitigated punishment or exemption from criminal responsibility . in fact , the procedural defense directly aims at the procedures of the special organs by pointing out and proving their procedural irregularities that may result in the exclusion of the prosecutive evidence , or even may result in the termination of the whole prosecution in the interests of the accused 程序性辩护是现代刑事辩护的一种新的类型,它不是针对检控方的控诉内容,也不是提出证据和理由证明被追诉人无罪、罪轻或者应当减轻、免除其刑事责任,它直接针对刑事诉讼专门机关的诉讼程序,希望通过指出和证明追诉机关程序违法而使对辩方不利的证据被排除,或者违法程序被宣告无效甚至整个追诉程序被依法终结,从而达到有利于被追诉人的目的。